Glimpses of life depicted here

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Neem , the Wonder Tree

Azadirachta indica is the Latin name for Neem tree. It grows from seed and thrives in a variety of soil types across the world.Almost all parts of this tree have medicinal value: leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and roots.

Popular medicinal uses are to treat bacterial and fungal infections, scabies and lice infestation, tooth and gum  infections, dandruff and scalp infections and also diabetes.

Smoke from burning of leaves  is said to drive away the pests and rodents .

Paste made from ground leaves cures the wounds and cuts.

Tooth paste made with neem is the best for strong and healthy teeth and gums. 

Many organic pesticides and insect repellents have the neem as the basic and major ingredient

For these and several other reasons , neem tree is used in most of the Indian Medicine systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, etc...

The neem tree is venerated as a religious symbol in Hinduism as it supports and sustains our life.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Boss is Not Always Right

Psychologists have found the following acts of Bosses actually reduce the morality of the employees and in turn affect the output or productivity.
- snooping
- nitpicking 
- peering over 
- getting annoyed on insignificant errors
- repeated and compulsive ordering for doing work with seriousness

It was found that if every error was highlighted , productivity plunged.
Constantly watching somebody's performance and exercise of every control are the worst things a boss can do.

Not only the performance is the casualty but also job satisfaction and mental  and physical health of staff are greatly affected. 

Nitpicking all the times is another adverse attribute of a bullying boss that gets backfired on many occasions in one way or other.

Beware, Employees always wait for an opportunity when the boss silps up. Once that happens, they seize it to get their revenge.

So Boss is Not Always Right..!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Do You Know the World's First Family

As no system of recording the images was available then, artists have made this picture of the first family of our Universe. 

God Siva, Creator of Universe, is flanked by his wife Parvathi and two sons, Vinayagar alias Ganesha and Murugan.  This is based on the oldest religion of world, Hinduism.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Falseness is beautiful.

   False Ceiling in a building is like a Make-up to a person.

   It adds and enhances the beauty of the structure.
   Even a poorly constructed  can be made to appear marvelous : just with the false makeover to the ceiling and side walls.

  You can notice the difference in the above picture. An ordinary white-colored fan wears a FANtastic look.

Basically, it is the creativity that matters here.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Innovative nature

Nature has many things to teach us.
The fall of Apple......has led to the discovery of gravity
The pigeon.....for sending messages
The leaves....for making the drape
And the list goes on.
The above picture illustrates how the beaks of different birds resemble the tools designed by humans.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blood Types

Do You know your Blood group or type.
Because, it enables you to help others who are in need of blood in situations of emergency.

Knowledge of Blood types, To whom You can donate and Whom from You can receive are 
shown in the above picture.

Please share with your friends and relatives.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Affair

is the most vital ingredient of our life.

Without Love, Life will be a Big zero and empty. Love helps to iron out our problems. All Religions also exist to nourish the spread and growth of love among us.

Love generally refers to the affection and association for anything.

Many of us love our family, friends and neighbors.

Some are strange to love animals and some others love flowers on and so forth.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Effective communication.....cannot better than this.

Realize the effects of smoking ...and stop...No.Quit to smoke.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Be a HoneyBee

Honey Bees are the best example for "Activeness." 
They whir and fly to the far off places in search of the nectar. 

The insect will never remain quiet for even a second. Ants use to pause and take rest while moving along.

Not only for the activity. Bees can be recognized for its purity. What else you conclude when seeing the honey that is stored in the beehive.

Bees are said to work till their last breath.

Let us  emulate the Honeybee for leading an illustrious life.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gift another way to express Love

Now you can make gifts to your Beloved ones ...especially for those living abroad can avail this online shopping and make special and surprise presents.

Avail the wide range and genuinely priced products  for this Valentine Day offers at Flipkart and 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

FaceBook celebrates 10th year

The membership of this social network site has grown to the extent of the size of a country.
And still growing.....

The chief factors that contributed to this enormous growth are
- easy interface
- quick means of spreading any news, information , pics, etc...
- widest reach

Owing to the above factors, even corporates and businesses have set up their own pages so that their marketing and growth would pick up.

But the main drawback of this medium is that the posts made in the site are derogatory and sensitive in nature. 

Let us exercise care while making posts or comments in FB for constructive and informative use only.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Work...Relax ...Enjoy

Wow...I am handsome with my cleaning brush.

This is one of the ways to keep your selves engaged and also to relax while doing your work....whatever be it is.

If you enjoy what you do, you are bound to become great......but with patience and perseverance over time.

Pic from FB

Monday, February 3, 2014

Social service with selFISHness

Fish is the best example of doing service to the society for its selfishness.

It cleans the pool of water by feeding on the sediment and worms .

So fish serves that depend on the pool.

Exactly the contrary , human beings behave so selfish only minding  their own benefits and least bothered about the fellow beings . What else, for instance, you can term the way deforestation is done.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Symbol of Culture

This picture depicts the very famous "Karhakali Dance" of Kerala.

The dance is one of the symbols and trade mark of culture of the people in Kerala.

The artists have to spend about 2 hours before the dance for getting this costume of painting.
They have to don the costume for another 3 hours till the dance show is over.